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Excellent System - VOL.3【電子書籍】[ PATRICIA MURRAY ]

Excellent System - VOL.3【電子書籍】[ PATRICIA MURRAY ]
キャッチコピー: 【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】
価格: 2,332円
消費税: 税込
送料: 送料込
クレジットカード: 利用可能
海外対応: 海外発送不可
あす楽対応: 翌日発送不可
アフィリエイト利用利率: 3%
レビュー: 0/5 (0件)
ジャンル: 本・雑誌・コミック >> 洋書 >> FICTION & LITERATURE
<p>This is a story about a man who has lacked intimacy since childhood, and whose only joy is burying his head in crazy movies or books...</p> <p>That's why he already has knowledge in his head related to the "skills" of the characters that perform realistically....</p> <p>It's a pity that there's no one but himself to brag about, he's always alone...</p> <p>He feels unfair, feels that he is not as good as others in many things, but the simplest thing is that "family" or "friends" have become an extremely luxurious thing for him...</p> <p>A tasteless death came to him, no longer happy or optimistic about his life...</p> <p>But God seemed to take pity on him, giving him a chance to be reborn... and a promising system...</p> <p>Here he has strength, and can also apply the "lessons" of the movie...</p> <p>This place is huge... extremely... there are so many new things, but there is almost nothing of what he used to live in...</p> <p>But here he has family, friends, lovers...colleagues who trust him as much as he trusts...</p> <p>He vowed to use his strength to protect them, not letting them get hurt...</p> <p>The new journey was difficult and dangerous, but he still did not back down.....there was always a companion system by his side, but he did not think to rely too much...</p> <p>There are always greater difficulties and challenges...</p> <p>Will he give up...</p> <p>Can protect everyone he loves???</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


